I am interested in computing, from the basic theory of computability to computational complexity and all the way up to modern software engineering practices. Currently I work on Chrome browser backend. Previously, I worked on MATLAB Optimization Toolbox intlinprog solver and led the development of coneprog solver.

During grad school, I developed software to solve mixed integer second order conic optimization problem (MISOCP). See my github page for my projects.

List of Publications

  • Bulut, Aykut and Ralphs, Ted K. On the Complexity of Inverse Mixed Integer Linear Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 2021 31:4, 3014-3043. [SIAM link] [preprint]

  • Bulut, Aykut. Computational Methods for Discrete Conic Optimization Problems. Ph.D. thesis. Lehigh University, 2018. [link]

  • A. Bulut. Order Driven Flexible Shop Management. M.S. thesis. Middle East Technical University, 2011. [link]

Selected Presentations

Following is a selected list of presentations I gave.


I worked on Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection problem as my Optimization Methods in Machine Learning class project with Murat Mut. We implemented a portion of algorithm proposed by Scheinberg and Rish in parallel. Here is our report.

One of my Ph.D. qualifying exam questions was on Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem. You get get my report from here and SALBP solver I wrote.